The "Epistle of Barnabas"
The way of light |
The Way of Light is this: if any man wants to journey to his appointed home then he must put his whole heart into his work. To aid our steps on the road, illumination has been given to us as follows — love your Maker, fear your Creator, glorify him who redeemed you from death. Be simple in heart, and rich in spirit. Shun the company of those who walk in the way of death. Hate all that is not pleasing to God, hate all hypocrisy, and never desert the commandments of the Lord. Do not proclaim your own importance but keep a modest and humble mind. Do not seek to cover yourself in glory. Make no evil plans against your neighbor. Keep away from the sin of presumption.
Love your neighbor more than your own life. Do not procure abortion, do not commit infanticide. Do not withhold your discipline from your son or your daughter but teach them the fear of God from their childhood onwards. Do not covet your neighbor goods or avariciously hold on to your own. Do not cultivate intimacy with the great but keep company with humble and virtuous men. When tribulations come upon you, receive them as you would receive good things, seeing that that nothing happens without God. Do not equivocate or speak in double meanings.

Keep the day of judgement in mind, day and night. Seek the daily company of the people of God, either laboring by word of mouth — by going among them, exhorting them and striving to save souls by the word — or laboring with your hands, earning a ransom for your sins.

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