Today is the feast of
Saint John of God who is honored in Nazareth Hermitage as the patron of our love and service for the sick poor that my helpers and I are privileged to care for by providing medical treatment, medicines and medical supplies free of charge.
Below is a copy of one of his letters:
Christ is faithful and
provides all things
"If we
kept before us the mercy of God, we would never be deficient in doing good,
while strength was in us. For, when we make over to the poor, out of the love of
God, what he himself has given us, his promise is that we shall receive a
hundredfold in eternal happiness. That indeed is a fortunate and happy way of
gaining a profit! Who will not give over whatever he has to this best of
merchants! He administers our business himself, and begs us with outstretched
arms to turn to him and weep for our sins, and become servants in love, first
for ourselves, and then for our neighbor. For just as water extinguishes a
fire, just so does charity blot out our sins. So many people come here that I
very often wonder how they can possibly be provided for. But Jesus Christ
provides all things and feeds everyone. Many of the poor come into this house of
God because the city of Granada is large and very cold, especially now in
winter. There are now more than one hundred and ten people living in this house,
including the sick, the healthy, the servants and pilgrims. Because the house is
open to everyone, it takes in all manner of sick people. There are people with
useless limbs, the maimed, the lepers, the dumb, the insane, paralytics, and
some who are suffering from cancer. Others are afflicted with senility, and
there are many children, as well as the innumerable travelers and pilgrims who
arrive here, and whom we provide with fire, salt and water, as well as pots to
cook their food. There is no charge made for all this, but Christ is our
So, I am working here in debt, and I am a captive for the sake
of Jesus Christ. Often I owe so much that I dare not go out, in case I am seized
for my debts. And when I see so many of my brethren in poverty, and my neighbors suffering beyond their strength, and oppressed in mind or body by so many cares,
and am unable to help them, it causes me exceeding sorrow. But I trust in Christ
who knows my heart. Then I say, ‘Accursed is the man who puts his trust in
men, and not in Christ alone.’ You will be separated from men, whether you
like it or not. But Christ is faithful and is with us always, and he provides
all things. We are right to give him thanks. Amen. "
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