Last Sunday I was asked if I could possible help my parish (Our Lady, Star of the Sean) in getting hold of some purple and rose colored candles for the Advent wreath. No one in the Gambia has these candles and it would sure be grand if someone could donate candles for this worthy cause.
I think back to all the huge beautiful Advent wreaths in some of our churches in the United States and how wonderful they looked hanging from the church ceilings. There was a beautiful one in The Cathedaral in Santa Fe last
year. It would mean a lot to the folks here if we could just have a simple one set on a table by the Altar. If anyone feels called to donate some purple and rose colored candles, you can send them to me at:

Brother dismas (Nazareth Hermitage)
Catholic Mission
PO Box 165Banjul,
The Gambia
West Africa
Time is of the essence since the candles could take up to 4-5 weeks to get here. Please wrap each candle carefully so they wont break in shipment. If anyone wanted to throw in a few bits of greenery as well (not live greens) it would help to make things even more beautiful.
I thank you on behalf of the parish, for your help. If you are able to help I would appreciate a quick e-mail to let me know so I can inform the Parish committee.
God bless you,
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