The first posting is from the writings of Blessed Isaac of Stella and is a beautiful lesson on love. This second posting is on how we can show our Love!!

This writing is to ask for your help for a young man by the name of Mamidou Kujabi.
Mamidou came to the hermitage a few weeks ago asking for help as he was having a lot of pain on the stump where his right leg had been amputated below the knee after he suffered a serious bone infection several years ago. There was not much I could do except to offer him one of my socks to cover his stump as the covering he had was too tight. Simple??? Yes, but it worked. As I began to talk with Mamidou I learned quite a bit about him and also how people have treated him since his surgery. He was used to a normal life as a young boy in the village up until his leg became infected and then his life was turned upside down.
While he used to have friends, now people avoid him. He told me that he sees folks starting to walk down a road he is on but as soon as they see him they turn back and take another route as they think he is a beggar. But Mamidou is not a beggar. He doesn't have much to do so he will often just sit on the side of a street (a normal sight in any village here) and wishes he had someone to talk with. He told me he seems like he is no longer here because when people do pass by they pretend he is not there and keep moving. If he says hello to them they pretend they don't hear. Then about 8 months ago another young man in this village decided to go over and say hello to him and sat with him and chatted. They became wonderful friends and it was his new friend who brought him to Nazareth Hermitage to see if I could help with his pain. One sock and a few tylenol took the physical pain away but his friend, Alieu Bah, took away his pain of lonliness. Alieu said that he was brought up by his parents to love all people and not to ignore anyone. When he first saw Mamidou he just walked over to him and sat and now they are seen together all the time.

What Mamidou prays for is a new leg. He can get a new prosthesis (artificial leg) at the main Hospital in Banjul but they have none in stock and they don't see any coming soon. The technicians are there who can make the prosthetic leg but they just need the material. Once the leg is made they will fit it for Mamidou and give him physical therapy to train him how to use the leg. The total cost for this prosthesis is only $65.00. Part of that amount would be for his going for physio therapy by local taxi.
Giving this lad a chance to walk again would be such a great blessing for him as it means he could learn a skill, he would no longer be invisible and he could contribute to society. Here is an opportunity to show real love, the love that Blessed Isaac of Stella was talking about in my first posting. If you feel God is asking you to help Mamidou, please let me know and I can give you more details.
God bless you for reading this and may He speak to your heart!
Bro. Dismas Mary of the Cross
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