From the commentary on the letter to the Romans by Saint Cyril of Alexandria, bishop
God's mercy has been extended to all; the whole world has been saved |
Though many, we are one body, and members one of another, united by Christ in the bonds of love. Christ
has made Jews and Gentiles one by breaking down the barrier that
divided us and abolishing the law with its precepts and decrees.
This is why we should all be of one mind and if one member suffers some
misfortune, all should suffer with him; if one member is honoured, all
should be glad.
Paul says: Accept one another as Christ accepted you, for the glory of God. Now accepting one another means being willing to share one another’s thoughts and feelings, bearing one another’s burdens, and preserving the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. This is how God accepted us in Christ, for John’s testimony is true and he said that God the Father loved the world so much that he gave his own Son for us. God’s Son was given as a ransom for the lives of us all. He has delivered us from death, redeemed us from death and from sin.
Christ declared that his coming in visible form was to fulfil the promise made to Israel. I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel,
he said. Paul was perfectly correct, then, in saying that Christ became
a servant of the circumcised in order to fulfil the promise made to the
patriarchs and that God the Father had charged him with this task, as
also with the task of bringing salvation to the Gentiles, so that they
too might praise their Saviour and Redeemer as the Creator of the
universe. In this way God’s mercy has been extended to all men,
including the Gentiles, and it can be seen that the mystery of the
divine wisdom contained in Christ has not failed in its benevolent
purpose. In the place of those who fell away the whole world has been
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