In his goodness to all, God gives order and harmony to the world |
us fix our gaze on the Father and Creator of the whole world, and let
us hold on to his peace and blessings, his splendid and surpassing
gifts. Let us contemplate him in our thoughts and with our mind’s eye
reflect upon the peaceful and restrained unfolding of his plan; let us
consider the care with which he provides for the whole of his creation.
By his direction the heavens are in motion, and they
are subject to him in peace. Day and night fulfil the course he has
established without interfering with each other. The sun, the moon and
the choirs of stars revolve in harmony at his command in their appointed
paths without deviation. By his will the earth blossoms in the proper
seasons and produces abundant food for men and animals and all the
living things on it without reluctance and without any violation of what
he has arranged.
Yet unexplored regions of the abysses and
inexpressible realms of the deep are subject to his laws. The mass of
the boundless sea, joined together by his ordinance in a single expanse,
does not overflow its prescribed limits but flows as he commanded it.
For he said: Thus far shall you come, and your waves will be halted here. The ocean, impassable for men, and the worlds beyond it are governed by the same edicts of the Lord.
The seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter, follow
one another in harmony. The quarters from which the winds blow function
in due season without the least deviation. And the ever-flowing
springs, created for our health as well as our enjoyment, unfailingly
offer their breasts to sustain human life. The tiniest of living
creatures meet together in harmony and peace. The great Creator and Lord
of the universe commanded all these things to be established in peace
and harmony, in his goodness to all, and in overflowing measure to us
who seek refuge in his mercies through our Lord Jesus Christ; to him be
glory and majesty for ever and ever. Amen.
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