The Imitation of Christ
The Truth of the Lord endures for ever |
thunder your judgements upon me, O Lord; you shake all my bones with
fear and dread, and my soul becomes severely frightened. I am bewildered
when I realize that even the heavens are not pure in your sight.
If you discovered iniquity in the angels and
did not spare them, what will become of me? The stars fell from heaven,
and I, mere dust, what should I expect? Those whose works seemed
praiseworthy fell to the depths, and I have seen those who once were fed
with the bread of angels take comfort in the husks of swine.
There is no holiness where you have withdrawn your
hand, O Lord; no profitable wisdom if you cease to rule over it; no
helpful strength if you cease to preserve it. If you forsake us, we sink
and perish; but if you visit us, we rise up and live again. We are
unstable, but you make us firm; we grow cool, but you inflame us.
All superficial glory has been swallowed up in the depths of your judgement upon me.
What is all flesh in your sight? Can the clay be glorified in opposition to its Maker?
How can anyone be stirred by empty talk if his heart is subject in the truth to God?
If a man is subject to truth, possession of the whole
world cannot swell him with pride; nor will he be swayed by the flattery
of his admirers, if he has established all his trust in God.
For those who do nothing but talk amount to nothing; they fail with their din of words, but ‘the truth of the Lord endures for ever’.
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