From the constitution on the Sacred Liturgy of the Second Vatican Council
God's plan of salvation |
As Christ was sent by the Father, so in his turn he
sent the apostles, filled with the Holy Spirit. They were sent to preach
the Gospel to every creature, proclaiming that we had been set free
from the power of Satan and from death by the death and resurrection of
God’s Son, and brought into the kingdom of the Father. They were sent
also to bring into effect this saving work that they proclaimed, by
means of the sacrifice and sacraments that are the pivot of the whole
life of the liturgy.
Spirit of God |
So, by baptism men are brought within the paschal
mystery. Dead with Christ, buried with Christ, risen with Christ, they
receive the Spirit that makes them God’s adopted children, crying out: Abba, Father; and so they become the true adorers that the Father seeks.
In the same way, whenever they eat the supper of the
Lord they proclaim his death until he comes. So, on the very day of
Pentecost, on which the Church was manifested to the world, those who
received the word of Peter were baptized. They remained steadfast in
the teaching of the apostles and in the communion of the breaking of
bread, praising God and enjoying the favour of all the people.
From that time onward the Church has never failed to come together to celebrate the paschal mystery, by reading what was written about him in every part of Scripture, by celebrating the Eucharist in which the victory and triumph of his death are shown forth, and also by giving thanks to God for the inexpressible gift he has given in Christ Jesus, to the praise of God’s glory.
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