St Robert Bellarmine, 'On the Ascent of the Soul to God'
Turn my heart to your decrees |
Lord, good and forgiving and abounding in steadfast love, who would not
serve you with all his heart, when he has begun at least to taste the
sweetness of your fatherly rule? What do you order your servants to do,
Lord? ‘Take my yoke upon you,’ you say. What is your yoke?—’my yoke is
easy,’ you say, ‘and my burden is light.’ Who would not willingly carry a
yoke which does not press down but gives strength, and a burden which
does not weigh heavily but refreshes? With justification, then, you also
say, ‘and you will find rest for your souls’. What is this yoke of
yours that does not tire but brings rest? It is that ‘great and first
commandment: you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart’. For
what is easier, better and more agreeable than to love goodness, beauty
and love, all of which you are, O Lord my God?
Do you not offer a reward to those who keep the
commandments, which are more desirable than a heap of gold and sweeter
than honey from the comb? So in every way you offer a very ample reward,
as James the apostle says: ‘The Lord has prepared the crown of life for
those who love him.’ What is the crown of life? It is a good greater
than all we can think of or desire: Paul quotes these words from Isaiah:
‘No eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor has the heart of man conceived,
what God has prepared for those who love him.’
There is much reward in keeping your commandments.
That first and great commandment is not only profitable for the man who
keeps it or for God who commands it: the other commandments of God also
make perfect him who obeys them, improve him, instruct him and make him
illustrious; in a word, they make him good and holy. If you understand
this, realise that you have been created for the glory of God and for
your own eternal salvation; this is your end, this is the object of your
soul and the treasure of your heart. You will be blessed if you reach
this goal, but miserable if you are cut off from it.
Therefore consider that to be for your real good which
brings you to your goal, and that to be really bad which cuts you off
from this goal. Prosperity and adversity, riches and poverty, health and
sickness, honour and ignominy, life and death should not be sought
after for themselves by the wise man nor are they to be avoided for
themselves; if they contribute to the glory of God and your eternal
happiness, they are good and to be sought after; if they are obstacles
to this, they are evil and to be avoided.
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