| A sermon by Pope St Leo the Great |
I shall put my laws within them |
beloved, when our Lord Jesus Christ was preaching the Gospel of the
kingdom and healing various illnesses throughout the whole of Galilee,
the fame of his mighty works spread into all of Syria, and great crowds
from all parts of Judea flocked to the heavenly physician. Because human
ignorance is slow to believe what it does not see, and equally slow to
hope for what it does not know, those who were to be instructed in the
divine teaching had first to be aroused by bodily benefits and visible
miracles so that, once they had experienced his gracious power, they
would no longer doubt the wholesome effect of his doctrine. In order,
therefore, to transform outward healings into inward remedies, and to
cure men’s souls now that he had healed their bodies, our Lord separated
himself from the surrounding crowds, climbed to the solitude of a
neighboring mountain, and called the apostles to himself. From the
height of this mystical site he then instructed them in the most lofty
doctrines, suggesting both by the very nature of the place and by what
he was doing that it was he who long ago had honored Moses by speaking
to him. At that time, his words showed a terrifying justice, but now
they reveal a sacred compassion, in order to fulfill what was promised
in the words of the prophet Jeremiah: Behold the days are coming,
says the Lord, when I shall establish a new covenant with the house of
Israel and with the house of Judah. After those days, says the Lord, I
shall put my laws within them and write them on their hearts.
And so it was that he who had spoken to Moses spoke
also to the apostles. Writing in the hearts of his disciples, the swift
hand of the Word composed the ordinances of the new covenant. And this
was not done as formerly, in the midst of dense clouds, amid terrifying
sounds and lightning, so that the people were frightened away from
approaching the mountain. Instead, there was a tranquil discourse which
clearly reached the ears of all who stood nearby so that the harshness
of the law might be softened by the gentleness of grace, and the spirit
of adoption might dispel the terror of slavery.

Concerning the content of Christ’s teaching, his own
sacred words bear witness; thus whoever longs to attain eternal
blessedness can now recognise the steps that lead to that high
Blessed, he says,
are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. It might have been unclear to which poor he was referring, if after the words
Blessed are the poor,
he had not added anything about the kind of poor he had in mind. For
then the poverty that many suffer because of grave and harsh necessity
might seem sufficient to merit the kingdom of heaven.
But when he says:
Blessed are the poor in spirit,
he shows that the kingdom of heaven is to be given to those who are
distinguished by their humility of soul rather than by their lack of
worldly goods
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