The "Epistle of Barnabas"
The new law of our Lord |
swept away all these things. The new law of our Lord Jesus Christ
imposes no yoke of coercion and its sacrifice is not one made by man. In
another place he says to them, Did I command your fathers when they
came out of the land of Egypt to offer me burnt offerings and
sacrifices? No, but I commanded them this: “Let none of you cherish any
evil in his heart against his neighbor, and let none of you be fond of
breaking vows” If we have any sense then we will understand the
loving intention of our Father. He wants us not to err as these people
did but to seek how we may make our offering to him. And he tells us: the sacrifice for the Lord is a contrite heart, a heart that glorifies its Maker is a sweet savor to the Lord.
My brethren, we must look closely into the matter of our salvation so
that the Evil One does not slyly enter our hearts and drag us away from
the life that lies before us.
Let us flee from all vanity, let us hold in aversion
the Way of Wickedness and its works. Do not withdraw into solitude as if
you were already considered righteous, but come together and seek out
the common good. For Scripture says: Woe betide those who are wise in their own eyes and knowledgeable in their own sight.
Let us be men of the Spirit, let us be a temple consecrated to God. As
far as we can, let us devote ourselves to living in the fear of God, and
let us strive to keep his commandments so that his ordinances become
our delight. When the Lord judges the world he will have no favorites:
each will receive according to his deeds. If he is good then his
righteousness will lead him forward; if he is evil then the reward of
iniquity will be in front of him. Let us never complacently think of
ourselves as ‘called’, let us never doze in our sinfulness, or the
Prince of Evil may gain power over us and thrust us out from the Kingdom
of the Lord. And consider this also, my brethren, you see what great
signs and wonders were wrought in Israel and yet in the end they were
finally abandoned – let us be very careful not to be among those of whom
it was written that many are called but few are chosen.
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