The glory you gave to me, I have given to them |
love has entirely cast out fear, and fear has been transformed into
love, then the unity brought us by our saviour will be fully realised,
for all men will be united with one another through their union with the
one supreme Good. They will possess the perfection ascribed to the
dove, according to our interpretation of the text: One alone is my dove, my perfect one. She is the only child of her mother, her chosen one.
Our Lord’s words in the gospel bring out the meaning
of this text more clearly. After having conferred all power on his
disciples by his blessing, he obtained many other gifts for them by his
prayer to the Father. Among these was included the greatest gift of all,
which was that they were no longer to be divided in their judgement of
what was right and good, for they were all to be united to the one
supreme Good. As the Apostle says, they were to be bound together with
the bonds of peace in the unity that comes from the Holy Spirit. They
were to be made one body and one spirit by the one hope to which they
were all called. We shall do better, however, to quote the sacred words
of the gospel itself. I pray, the Lord says, that they all may be one; that as you, Father, are in me and I am in you, so they also may be one in us.
Now the bond that creates this unity is glory. That
the Holy Spirit is called glory no one can deny if he thinks carefully
about the Lord’s words: The glory you gave to me, I have given to them. In fact, he gave this glory to his disciples when he said to them: Receive the Holy Spirit.
Although he had always possessed it, even before the world existed, he
himself received this glory when he put on human nature. Then, when his
human nature had been glorified by the Spirit, the glory of the Spirit
was passed on to all his kin, beginning with his disciples. This is why
he said: The glory you gave to me, I have given to them, so that they
may be one as we are one. With me in them and you in me, I want them to
be perfectly one.
Whoever has grown from infancy to manhood and attained
to spiritual maturity possesses the mastery over his passions and the
purity that makes it possible for him to receive the glory of the
Spirit. He is that perfect dove upon whom the eyes of the bridegroom
rest when he says: One alone is my dove, my perfect one.
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