Mary kept all these things in her heart |
Mary pondered all she had learned from reading and from what she had
heard and seen, how greatly did she increase in faith, advance in merit
and become enlightened with wisdom! More and more she was consumed with
burning love. Drawing life and inspiration from the heavenly mysteries
which were being unlocked for her, she was filled with joy; she became
alive with the Spirit, she was guided towards God and was kept humble in
herself. The effects of divine grace are such indeed that they raise
one from the depths to the heights, and transform one in an ever greater
degree of glory. Entirely blessed was the mind of the Virgin which,
through the direction of the Spirit dwelling in her, ever obeyed the
command of the Word of God in all things. She was governed not by her
own judgement or opinions, but she outwardly performed through her body
whatever wisdom had indicated inwardly to her faith. It was surely
fitting that divine Wisdom, which had built the house of the Church for
its abode, should use most holy Mary as its instrument, where the
observance of the law, purification of the heart, the doctrine of
humility and spiritual offering were concerned.
Imitate her, O faithful soul. Enter into the temple of
your heart that you may be purified in spirit and cleansed of the
pollution of your sins. In everything we do God considers our
disposition rather than our actions. And so, whether we retire mentally
to God in earnest contemplation and remain at rest or whether we are
intent on being of service to those around us with good works and worthy
undertakings, let our object be that we are motivated only by love of
Christ. So the really acceptable offering of purification of the spirit
is that which is rendered not in a man-made temple but in the temple of
the heart, where Christ the Lord is pleased to enter.
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