The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
angel Gabriel had announced the news of something that was as yet
hidden and so, to buttress the Virgin Mary’s faith by means of a real
example, he told her also that an old and sterile woman had conceived,
showing that everything that God willed was possible to God.
When Mary heard this she did not disbelieve the
prophecy, she was not uncertain of the message, she did not doubt the
example: but happy because of the promise that had been given, eager to
fulfil her duty as a cousin, hurried by her joy, she went up into the
hill country.
Where could she hurry to except to the hills, filled
with God as she was? The grace of the Holy Spirit does not admit of
delays. And Mary’s arrival and the presence of her Son quickly show
their effects: As soon as Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting her child leapt in her womb and she was filled with the Holy Spirit.
See the careful distinction in the choice of words.
Elizabeth was the first to hear the voice but her son John was the first
to feel the effects of grace. She heard as one hears in the natural
course of things; he leapt because of the mystery that was there. She
sensed the coming of Mary, he the coming of the Lord — the woman knew
the woman, the child knew the child. The women speak of grace while
inside them grace works on their babies. And by a double miracle the
women prophesy under the inspiration of their unborn children.
You too, my people, are blessed, you who have heard
and who believe. Every soul that believes — that soul both conceives and
gives birth to the Word of God and recognises his works.
The soul that has been able to reach this state
proclaims the greatness of the Lord just as Mary did and rejoices in God
its saviour just like her.
The Lord’s greatness is proclaimed, as you have read
elsewhere, where it says Join me in magnifying the Lord. This does not
mean that anything can be added to the Lord’s greatness by human words,
but that he is magnified in us. Christ is the image of God and so any
good or religious act that a soul performs magnifies that image of God
in that soul, the God in whose likeness the soul itself was made. And
thus the soul itself has some share in his greatness and is ennobled.
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