Please pray for this hermit. Today is the 4th anniversary of his making his final vows.
Brother dismas Mary of the Cross
A book on virginity, by St Ambrose
You light up your grace of body with the radiance of your mind |
are one of God’s people, of God’s family, a virgin among virgins; you
light up your grace of body with your splendour of soul. More than
others you can be compared to the Church. When you are in your room,
then, at night, think always on Christ, and wait for his coming at every
This is the person Christ has loved in loving you, the
person he has chosen in choosing you. He enters by the open door; he
has promised to come in, and he cannot deceive. Embrace him, the one you
have sought; turn to him, and be enlightened; hold him fast, ask him
not to go in haste, beg him not to leave you. The Word of God moves
swiftly; he is not won by the lukewarm, nor held fast by the negligent.
Let your soul be attentive to his word; follow carefully the path God
tells you to take, for he is swift in his passing.
What does his bride say? I sought him, and did not find him; I called him, and he did not hear me.
Do not imagine that you are displeasing to him despite having called
him, asked him in, and opened the door to him; and that this is the
reason why he has gone so quickly – no, for he allows us to be
constantly tested. When the crowds pressed him to stay, what does he say
in the Gospel? I must preach the word of God to other cities, because for that I have been sent. But even if it seems to you that he has left you, go out and seek him once more.
Who but holy Church is to teach you how to hold Christ
fast? Indeed, she has already taught you, if you only understood her
words in Scripture: How short a time it was when I left them before I found him whom my soul has loved. I held him fast, and I will not let him go.
How do we hold him fast? Not by restraining chains or
knotted ropes but by bonds of love, by spiritual reins, by the longing
of the soul.
If you also, like the bride, wish to hold him fast,
seek him and be fearless of suffering. It is often easier to find him in
the midst of bodily torments, in the very hands of persecutors.
His bride says: How short a time it was after I left them.
In a little space, after a brief moment, when you have escaped from the
hands of your persecutors without yielding to the powers of this world,
Christ will come to you, and he will not allow you to be tested for
Whoever seeks Christ in this way, and finds him, can say: I held him fast, and I will not let him go before I bring him into my mother’s house, into the room of her who conceived me. What is this “house,” this “room,” but the deep and secret places of your heart?
Maintain this house, sweep out its secret recesses
until it becomes immaculate and rises as a spiritual temple for a holy
priesthood, firmly secured by Christ, the cornerstone, so that the Holy
Spirit may dwell in it.
Whoever seeks Christ in this way, whoever prays to
Christ in this way, is not abandoned by him; on the contrary, Christ
comes again and again to visit such a person, for he is with us until
the end of the world.
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